Discover the Path to Native American Recovery from Gambling Addiction
In the quest for excitement and personal fulfillment, gambling often presents itself as an enticing option. It offers an escape from the pressures of daily life and a chance to avoid unpleasant emotions. For some Native Americans, however, gambling can become a destructive force, leading to addiction and significant challenges.
Recognizing the significance of this issue, we focus on the recovery and healing of Native Americans who are grappling with gambling addiction. It is crucial to shed light on the path to recovery, supporting individuals to regain control over their lives and rediscover their true potential.
Addicted gamblers may initially overlook the negative consequences of their actions, fixating on the exhilaration they experienced when they won a substantial jackpot. This selective memory can create a fantasy-like perspective, blurring the reality of their losses. At times, individuals may even use gambling as a desperate attempt to recoup lost funds.
Superstitions and rituals also play a role in the gambling world. Many gamblers develop routines such as blowing on dice, relying on lucky numbers, or choosing specific tables and machines. These rituals provide a sense of control and hope, however fleeting it may be.
At our recovery center, we approach gambling addiction in a compassionate and holistic manner. We understand that each person’s journey is unique, and we tailor our approach to meet individual needs. Our comprehensive programs incorporate evidence-based therapies, support networks, and culturally sensitive practices to address the specific challenges faced by Native Americans.
By joining our recovery program, individuals embark on a transformative journey towards freedom from gambling addiction. Our experienced team of professionals provides guidance, counseling, and education to help individuals understand the root causes of their addiction. Together, we work towards developing healthy coping mechanisms and fostering a renewed sense of purpose.
We emphasize the importance of community support, as connection and shared experiences play a pivotal role in the recovery process. Our culturally inclusive approach encourages individuals to reconnect with their Native American heritage, drawing strength and wisdom from their traditions and spiritual practices.
If you or someone you know is struggling with gambling addiction, we are here to help. Reach out to our dedicated team and take the first step towards reclaiming control, healing, and rebuilding a fulfilling life. Together, we can overcome the challenges of gambling addiction and create a brighter future for Native Americans on their path to recovery.
“You lose control over gambling. The loss of control increases the risk you take. The risk involves an immediate reward. Gamblers most often develop unique strategies called skills which are “fixed beliefs” utilized to reduce the lack of uncertainty of losing but does not eliminate the risk.”
Gambling today includes casino games, slot and video poker machines, internet gambling, the lottery, horse racing, and betting on team sports such as football or baseball. Other types of gambling include betting on individual skills, real estate speculation and the stock market, and national elections.
Addicted Gambling involves is a person who is spending time and money gambling in such a way that it is harmful to you, your family, and often career.
The main symptom is a loss of control over gambling. Other symptoms include:
Gambling longer than intended
Betting over one’s head;
Lying to family or others about how much you are gambling
Missing work or family commitments because your gambling
Being distracted from your life, family, and career thinking about gambling
Your loss of control can be described in the following ways:
Gambling will escalate, as one needs to take greater risks to maintain a certain level of excitement or to try to win back one’s money.
You can’t stop gambling when you are ahead. If you win money, you feel you can win more by betting again. The luck runs out and addicted or compulsive gamblers will continue gambling until all your money is gone.
You say they won’t gamble again find yourself gambling again, no matter how hard you try to stop the “hamster wheel” of addicted or compulsive gambling with the cycle of; feelings of shame; guilt; and depression.